In California, a surplus lines insurance policy is a type of insurance that can help businesses protect themselves from financial hazards that are beyond the scope of standard commercial insurance coverage. Excess and surplus lines market typically insures hard to place risks, very costly items, hazardous materials, and high liability coverage. The following are characteristics of California surplus lines insurance:
There are over 130 approved surplus lines insurers in California, Discuss your insurance needs and further surplus questions with California-licensed commercial insurance agents who can sell surplus lines insurance.
Some of the risks that a surplus lines insurer covers in California include:
When a California business cannot find the appropriate insurance coverage suitable for its needs from standard carriers (also known as admitted carriers) on a standard market (also known as admitted market), it must find surplus line insurers willing to provide the coverage to fit the business’ unique risks. These excess and surplus lines insurers carry risks and high coverage amounts not typically covered by a standard commercial insurance company policy.
Here are some examples of why California businesses may need surplus lines insurance:
A licensed California-based agent can help you find the best possible surplus line insurance coverage to manage your highly specialized or unique needs.
Surplus line insurance can help businesses manage their unique and highly specialized risks and meet their financial obligations in California. These risks are usually not borne by standard commercial insurance companies. Some of the risks typically insured by surplus line carriers include:
The California Insurance Code (CIC) regulates surplus line transactions in the state.
Surplus line coverage can be purchased through the state’s pre-approved carriers because they have met the standards provided in California Insurance Code (CIC) Section 1765.2. Businesses can use the List of Approved Surplus Line Insurers (LASLI) to find a suitable surplus line insurer from among over 130 companies. Likewise, businesses can contact eligible surplus line carriers who have met the standards outlined in CIC Section 1765.1 and the Non-Admitted and Reinsurance Reform Act (NRRA). Note that eligible carriers are not pre-approved by the California Department of Insurance.
Only surplus lines insurance carriers on the California Department of Insurance list can sell surplus lines in California. You can confirm if your intended surplus lines insurance carrier is eligible in the state via the CID’s website. You can also contact the CID by email, by calling (800) 927-4357 or (800) 482-4833, or by visiting the CDI headquarters offices at:
CDI - Los Angeles Office
300 South Spring Street, 14th Floor
Phone: (213) 346-6464
CDI - Oakland Office
1901 Harrison Street, 6th Floor
Phone: (415) 538-4500
CDI - Sacramento Office
Phone: (916) 492-3500